PORTS was built in the mid-1950s to enrich weapons-grade uranium during the Cold War. As the plant’s mission changed over the years, it later began enriching uranium for nuclear power generation. In 2001, the plant was placed in a state of cold standby, and in 2005, it was decided that the plant would go into cold shutdown to prepare for decontamination and decommissioning (D&D).
VNSFS has supported the PORTS D&D in the following areas: Roads & Grounds, Safeguards & Security, Facility Management, Waste Management, Fleet Services, Records Management, Worker Training, Computer & IT Services, and with development of regulatory decision making documents.
As a graduate of the Mentor-Protégé program with the site’s prime contractor, VNSFS has provided engineering technical support; facilities and structures D&D; regulatory compliance; integrated site operations; environmental remediation; construction, renovation and asbestos remediation; ESH&Q support; energy sustainability assessments; stream and wetlands assessments and mitigation plans; data validation; GIS and hydrologic modeler support; nuclear operations support; and environmental management.

A major part of VNSFS’ scope at PORTS is the deactivation of gaseous diffusion facilities and other radiological and industrial facilities to make them ready for demolition, reuse and re-industrialization.
As part of the contract scope, VNSFS managed and stored hazardous waste generated by the contract and coordinated for final disposition. VNSFS was responsible for all the site safeguards and security as it related to the storage and staging of radioactive waste.
VNSFS is currently performing a variety of site preparation work (roads, utilities, sedimentation ponds, cell construction, erosion control) for the On-site Waste Disposal Facility, which will accept its first waste in 2021.
VNSFS is also currently readying the X-326 Process Building for demolition by constructing a Water Detention System around it.